2012年4月14日 星期六

week 12

Types of redesign principles

Restructuring and configuring around processes
1. Long Wait
- Concurrency
- Closed-Loop
- Not Gating Main ProcessNot Process
- Continuous FlowContinuous Flow
- Upstream Relieves Downstream
2. Orchestrate
- Partnering
- Outsourcing
- Insourcing
- Routing through an Intermediary:
3. Mass-Customize
- Flexing Time
- Flexing Space
- Modularity
- Dynamic Customization
4. Synchronize
- Match Offerings
- Common Process Platforms
- Track Movement
Changing information flows around processes
5. Digitize and Propagate
- Digitize at Source
- Make the Process Paperless
- Make Information Accessible Upstream
and Downstream
- Shrink the Distance between the
Information and the Decision
6. Vitrify
- On-demand Information Tracking
- On-the-fly Reporting and Analysis
- Standard Partner Interface
7. Sensitize
- Process Dysfunction Loops
- Monitor Environmental Change
Changing knowledge management around processes
8. Analyze & Synthesize
- Provide "what-if" capabilites to analyze
decision options
- Provide "slice and dice" data analysis
capabilities that detect patterns
- Provide intellgient integration
capabilities across multiple information
9. Connect , Collect & Create
- Define procedures to collect this knowledge
- Create physical/virtual spaces for storing
this knowledge
10. Personalize
- Learn preferences of customers and doers of
the process through profiling
- Insert business rules that are triggered by
personal profiles
- Use collaborative filtering techniques
- Keep track of personal process execution

Real-life example

1. Healthcare service in Canada: E-health
Excessive waiting times for patients, lack of access to providers and information,
high costs of delivery and medical errors

BPR solution:

E-health - application of the Internet and related technologies to the field of healthcare
e.g. tele-medicine, access to online health information, provider convenience services,
health products commerce, self care services, medical record management systems,...

Application of BPR principles and tactics:

1. Analyze and Synthesize: Data analysis capabilities at executive levels and research levels is
important for identifying problems and simulating further improvements
to the healthcare system in terms of service quality and cost reduction.

This application is especially important when there is an outbreak of
influenza, information of the increased reporting of common symptoms
could be collected and shared throughout the healthcare system.
In this situation, it can support the decision-making of the emergency
measures, and even make predictions of the speed of spreading out the
outbreaks in the community and the geographics regions that will be hit
next. This is especially important for places like Canada which has a large
population over an extensive area, it is important for them to make better
analysis of the situation and the patient records in order to have better
control to protect peroples' health.

Tactics used: - Provide "slice and dice" data analysis capabilities that detect patterns
- Provide intellgient integration capabilities across multiple information sources

2. Connect, Collect & Create: By codifying and sharing the knowledge about processes by their
participants, including the staff and patients, new insights can be
gained and best practices can be shared.

Reporting by healthcare professionals, medical and pharmaceutical
suppliers, as well as exit interviews with patients would be some sources
to collect the knowledge from all the participants involved in the process.

Tactics used: - Define procedures to collect this knowledge

3. Personalize: Build a more intimate relationship between the healthcare service providers and the patients
This is most commonly seen for family physicians, they are more familiar with the needs and
concerns of their patients through conversations about their lifestyle and professions.
Besides, healthcare staff will usually ask their patients to record down their medical record,
information about allergies and also their history of using regular medication.

Tactics used: - Learn preferences of customers and doers of the process through profiling
- Keep track of personal process execution habits

2. Mi Addidas
The Mi Addidas has redesigned the business process of designing the shoes which was usually done by designers, and now customers also had a choice to tailor-make their sports shoes. First, customers first choose a particular style of their shoes, for example running shoes, sneakers and so on. Then, they will customize the shoes and enter their size records.

This BPR redesign has applied many of the principles we discussed in class, in the following, I will mainly talk about the three discussed in this lecture.

1. Analyze and Synthesize
The Addidas can collect the data about the popular shoes style by generating sales statistics and collect opinions from their customers. Then, they can make the supply decision accordingly and make new designs of the shoes by referencing to these information.

Tactics used:
- Provide "what-if" capabilities to analyze decision options
- Provide "slice and dice" data analysis capabilities that detect patterns
- Provide intellgient integration capabilities across multiple information sources

2. Connect, Collect & Create
As the Mi Addidas has to customized and ordered online, the company can have routes to access their customers' preferences and information, and build a well-defined knowledge repositories to maintain long-term relationship with their customers.

Tactics used:
- Define procedures to collect this knowledge

3. Personalize
This is obviously the most important advantage of all. The customization allows customers to indicate their own preferences by tailor-making their shoes. Besides, the company can also keep track of their customers' information, to analyze their purchasing behaviours and to promote products that they may be interested in.

Tactics used:
- Learn preferences of customers and doers of the process through profiling
- Insert business rules that are triggered by personal profiles
- Keep track of personal process execution habits

1 則留言:

  1. - Good to illustarte and conclude the BPR topic with 2 examples addidas and Canada Hospital
    - Good application of BPR prciples to problem-solving
    - better to include the results after BPR in order to access the BPR implementaion outcomes
    Mark: Good
