There are 3 ways of redesign has been introduced:
restructuring the process
informating the process
minding the process
Particularly for restructuring, there are 4 principles discussed in the lecture. They are,
Lose wait
Mass- Customize
In this blog, I would like to share a case on business process redesign which demonstrate the principle of "Lose Wait", i.e., to reduce process time in process links to create value. It is discussed in the paper Business Process Redesign for Effective E-commerce.
It's about the story that the Dutch local government which was in the process of supporting all their processes with workflow management technology. There are a few steps they have done in BPR. For the part of parallelism, it opens possibilities for lead time reduction.

- Good to start with an exmaple to explain BPR principle; But much more desc. and discussion is needed
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